Get ready! We’ve done our research & complied a list of new trends to help you get started with your 2019 project! Can you guess what will be “in” this year?

Dark, Bold Colours
The light coloured scheme has been a trend in the recent years, but 2019 is going to shake things up a bit. Let’s face it, white may bring a lot of light BUT it may make the room look a bit plain or colourless. All white kitchens will soon become a thing of the past with bringing in eye-catching, bold colours into the space. For example, by displaying splashes of dark blues, reds or greens, it may compliment the room rather than wash it out. These colours can be displayed in the countertop, backsplash, cabinet or even accessories such as plates, utensils, vases & flowers. Let your imagination go wild & add a daring colour to your project this year!

Functionality of a Kitchen Sink
Without a doubt, the kitchen sink is most-likely used every single day. In a busy kitchen, it might be a desirable idea to have a sink that suits its purpose! Sink manufacturers have given more thought to their designs recently, ensuring that their products are exactly what their consumers need, functional & trendy. From the standard double-bowl stainless steel sink to the top notch drop-in granite sinks, there are tons of designs & materials to choose from… So what does the 2019 sink trend bring to the table? Tons of new designs such as removable cutting boards, integrated coasters, pot holders, ice-buckets, etc.! Along with functionality, design trends also factor in when considering which sink to purchase. Depending on your project’s scheme, you can choose from more earthy patterned materials or even more of a ultra-modern look.

The Marble Look
This trend doesn’t want to get left behind in 2018. The uniqueness & luxurious look of marble makes a great focal point in any room. The veining marble design has been seen more in hotels, restaurants & bars throughout the recent years and has yet to make anyone bored of its beauty. Though natural marble has its backlash for being too delicate for the kitchen, quartz suppliers have created a more durable look-a-like to keep people’s imaginations going. Quartz is more heavily used in kitchens now for the consistency of the design, more colour options & durability. And boy, do we love a gorgeous veining pattered island! Keeping the main surface of countertops in Calgary as a neutral colour while adding a marble design to the island, you can make bold statement to any kitchen. The marble look is here to stay!